

The Facial Experience

60 mins

Customized products are used to help with any issues or concerns individuals may have with their skin, and are then combined to create an experience of nurturing and relaxation.


Chemical Peels

45 mins

Deep exfoliation is achieved through the application of skin specific chemicals to reveal the fresh skin that lies beneath.


Lash Lift & Tint

60 mins or less

For natural lashes that look perfect with no fuss this is your service! The perm solution is applied to lashes to create a just curled effect that will lift and open your eyes. It is recommended that tint be applied in the same service…ditch the curling wand and mascara in one trip to the salon. This service typically lasts 6-10 weeks.


Facial Waxing & Tinting

15-45 mins

Brow shaping $20

Lip wax $12

Chin wax $15

Full face wax $50

Lash tint $30

Brow tint $15

*all prices subject to change depending on individual needs/desires